Hello all! In May 2024, I attended an incredible mograph conference, Making Midwest (MM)! The conference was put on by Made by Things. It was an incredible weekend filled with workshops and artist talks and mingling with other creatives. I left MM with a sense of confidence and ready to push myself as a creative more and more.

One of my favorite moments (8 hour moment) included a Creative Business School workshop with Matt Vojacek. I never thought about the importance of thinking about Business as a creative, cause naturally why would I? Couldn't I just make good art and all will be dandy? haha.... no. It was awesome learning from Matt who is a director of an animation studio how business and art tie itself together. Have you ever learned something that it makes you wonder, 'what do I do with this in my own life?' I am currently there. I am a freelancer as an illustrator an animator full time with a studio so it has been something I have been wondering, how to apply this large subject in my own creative journey? I don't have an answer yet, we shall see!
Another favorite moment was another workshop, Designing Characters with Simple Shapes with Rafael Mayani. I always make character design WAY too complicated, it's a weakness. But Rafael did an incredible job really focusing on the idea of building characters from simple shapes. I have been using this now in almost every aspect of my creative life. From building characters as a personal exercise to at my work studio to children's book illustrating.

Another favorite moment is I met some new friends. It was so cool to learn from them and hear their story. One of the ladies I met also lives in my hometown which makes me so excited to be able to have a creative friend!
Last but certainly not least, I got to meet and am now a part of Mothers of Mograph. An incredible group of creative women who support one another! It has been AMAZING and so cool to be a part of a community that are there to support one another. I am not a mom but it is so refreshing to know that when I am a mom one day, I have creative ladies in my corner to teach me what they know. Check out their podcast!

Conferences and meetups are such a great way to find inspiration and make new friends. It makes me see these events in a different light. I hope Making Midwest will continue in 2025.